The Rays | The Fifteenth Ray | 677

proofs, miracles, wonders, evidences, and illuminations, and whom the majority of mankind have affirmed, is most certainly as definite as the sun. With their hundreds of thousands of miracles and proofs, these pre-eminent members of mankind have proved their veracity and truthfulness, and their consensus and agreement in positive matters such as Divine unity and the Creator’s necessary existence forms such a proof it can be in no way doubted. They are the straightest and the most veracious and verified of guides and the leaders in perfection among mankind, and man is the most important result of the universe, the Divine vicegerent on earth, and of living creatures the most elevated and with the most comprehensive capacity. Those therefore who do not recognize a truth upon which those four classes have unanimously agreed, and deny the truths in which they believed unshakeably, with ‘absolute certainty’, ‘vision of certainty’, and ‘knowledge of certainty’, and in proof of which they put forward the universe together with all its beings, such deniers surely perpetrate an infinite crime and are deserving of infinite punishment.

EIGHTH PHRASE: ‘Not those who have received Your wrath nor those who have gone astray’

A concise indication of the proof contained in this phrase:

Based on unanimous reports, and universal, certain events and observations, human history and the sacred revealed scriptures relate in clear, definite fashion how on thousands of occasions succour arrived wondrously from the Unseen for the prophets, the people of the straight path, and how what they sought was given them exactly, and how on hundreds of occasions wrath and heavenly blows were visited on their enemies, the deniers. This demonstrates conclusively and unmistakably that the universe and mankind within it have a sovereign, just, generous, munificent, mighty, subjugating Disposer and Sustainer Who in various historical incidents wondrously bestowed victory and salvation on many of the prophets such as Noah, Abraham, Moses, Hud, and Salih (Peace be upon them), and visited terrible heavenly calamities on numerous oppressors and deniers like the Thamud, ‘Ad, and Pharaoh, as punishment in this world too for rebellion against the prophets.

Since the time of Adam (Peace be upon him), two mighty conflicting currents have come down to us. One is that of the people

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