The Rays | The Fifteenth Ray | 681

His infinite bounties, is as necessary for the universe as is the sun. For he is the supreme master of mankind and its greatest prophet, the Glory of the World, and the one addressed by “If not for you, if not for you, I would not have created the spheres.”14 The Muhammadan Reality was the reason for the world’s creation, and is its result and most perfect fruit. So too, truths connected with the universe such as its true perfections and its being the enduring mirrors of an eternal Beauteous One of Glory, and the manifestation of His Names, and the works —charged with duties— of His wise acts, and His most meaningful missives, and its bearing an everlasting world, and its producing the result of the hereafter and an abode of bliss for which all conscious creatures yearn, — these are all realized through the Muhammadan (PBUH) Reality and his messengership. Since this is so, the universe testifies most powerfully and decisively to his messengership. Moreover, the messengership of Muhammad (PBUH) and the Muhammadan Reality give certain good news of eternal life, which, in order to be saved from non-existence, nothingness, eternal extinction, and absolute annihilation, foremost the World of Islam, and all mankind and all conscious creatures, constantly and earnestly seek, with all the powers of their comprehensive natures, with the tongues of all their abilities, and with all their supplications, worship, and entreaties. They thus testify to Muhammad’s messengership and the Muhammadan Reality, endorsing that he is the pride of mankind and the most noble of creatures. Moreover, in accordance with the rule “the cause is like the doer,” the equivalent of all the good works performed every day by three hundred and fifty million believers being recorded in Muhammad’s (Peace and blessings be upon him) book of good works, and the single person of Muhammad (PBUH) attaining to a ‘station’ manifesting the universal worship and effulgence of hundreds of millions of righteous worshippers, and perhaps thousands of millions, testifies in truly powerful fashion to his messengership, affirming it.


The following indicates more than twenty testimonies, which I always ponder over reflectively in the course of my invocations:

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