The Rays | The Fifteenth Ray | 683

and fulfilled them even in times of greatest disturbance. This was an incomparable attribute, as was his offering such prayers, supplications and entreaties to his Creator that up to the present his degree has not been reached, even with the meeting of many minds. For example, in the supplication Jawshan al-Kabir, taking as intercessor a thousand and one Divine Names, he so describes and acquaints his Creator that it has no like. Thus, no one has attained to his knowledge of God.

He called people to religion with such steadfastness and announced his prophethood with such boldness that although his people, his uncle, the great powers of the world, and the followers of the former religions were all opposed and hostile to him, he did not fear or hold back even a jot, but challenged them all and successfully accomplished his task. This too was an unparalleled attribute.

Thus, these eight wondrous, matchless attributes form a truly powerful testimony to his veracity and prophethood. They show too that there is complete certainty concerning his utter seriousness, trustworthiness, veracity, and truthfulness. Every day in the tashahhud with millions of tongues the World of Islam declares: “Peace be upon you, O Prophet! And may God’s mercy and blessings be upon you.” It submits to the function with which he was charged, and affirming the good news of the eternal happiness which he brought, it gratefully says: “Peace be upon you, O Prophet!” in the face of the sure way leading to eternal life which mankind seeks and yearns for with an innate, profound longing, thus meeting with him in spirit and congratulating him in the name of three hundred million, indeed, thousands of millions.

The Second Testimony, which comprises twenty universal testimonies, as well as many others: Through the testimony to his veracity of all truths of the pillars of belief.

That is, the truths, realities, and veracity of the six pillars of belief testify decisively to Muhammad’s (PBUH) messengership and veracity. For the collective personality of his life as Messenger and the basis of all he claimed and the essence of his prophethood were those six pillars. In which case, all the evidences verifying the pillars of belief proved the truth of Muhammad’s (PBUH) messengership, and his veracity. The evidences for the hereafter of the other pillars

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