The Rays | The Fifteenth Ray | 685

and the unanimous agreement —at the degree of ‘absolute certainty’— of all the people of reality, who have attained to spiritual perfection through following him and reached ‘the vision of certainty’ in the realities, that Muhammad’s (PBUH) perfections and attainments were of the very highest level; and the spiritual achievements of the World of Islam, which proceeds from his religion; as well as the truths of mighty Islam — all these furnish evidence for his wondrous perfections. This surely means that this Being (PBUH) testified in most brilliant and universal fashion to his own messengership.

The Fourth Testimony, which comprises numerous powerful testimonies: Through the testimony of the Qur’an, with all its truths and proofs. That is, the Qur’an of Miraculous Exposition testifies to his messengership and veracity with its innumerable truths and proofs.

Yes, with all its veracious truths, the Qur’an of Mighty Stature, which as is proved Zülfikâr is miraculous in forty respects, has illumined fourteen centuries and governed through its unchanging laws one fifth of mankind; and from that time to this has challenged all those who have opposed it; and not even one of the suras of which anyone has dared to produce the like of; and as is proved in The Supreme Sign, whose six aspects are luminous and cannot be penetrated by doubts; and whose veracity is endorsed by six supreme ‘stations’; which is based on six unshakeable truths; and is eagerly and respectfully recited every moment by hundreds and millions of tongues, and is inscribed with its sacredness on the hearts of hafizes; and from whose testimony proceeds all the testimony and belief of the World of Islam; and from whose source flow forth all the sciences of belief and of Islam; and just as it affirms all the previous revealed scriptures, so is it affirmed by them; — with all its truths and all its proofs of its veracity, the Qur’an of Mighty Stature testifies to the truthfulness and messengership of Muhammad (Peace and blessings be upon him).

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