The Rays | The Fifteenth Ray | 687

worshipping Zoroastrians’ fire being extinguished that night, which had been burning continuously for a thousand years; and on the certain reports of Bahira the Monk and Halima al-Sa‘diya, clouds throwing shadows around his head; numerous events like these gave forewarning of his prophethood before its commencement.

Also, there were very many events of differing kinds that he predicted would occur in the future, that is, after his death. Some were prophecies about his Family and Companions, and the conquests of Islam, which are given in The Miracles of Muhammad in Zülfikâr, together with their authentic sources. Others were eighty accurate predictions, including ‘Uthman (May God be pleased with him) being martyred while reading the Qur’an, Husayn (May God be pleased with him) being martyred at Karbala, the conquests of Syria and Iran and Istanbul, and emergence of the ‘Abbasid dynasty, and Jenghiz and Hulagu defeating and destroying it, have all been described in detail on the basis of sound narrations and the books of history and the Prophet’s biography. This means that numerous predictions of future events, and the future, which proved Muhammad’s (PBUH) veracity, testify also in powerful and universal fashion to Muhammad’s messengership and its veracity.

The Ninth, Tenth, Eleventh, and Twelfth Testimonies:

Through the testimony of Muhammad’s Family to his veracity through the power of their certain belief at the degree of ‘absolute certainty;’ and of his Companions, through their perfect belief at the degree of ‘the vision of certainty;’ and of the purified scholars through the power of their investigations at the degree of ‘knowledge of certainty;’ and of the spiritual poles, through the conformity of their illuminations and unfoldings with his messengership and its certainty.

That is, of the universal testimonies to Muhammad’s (PBUH) truthfulness and veracity,

The Ninth: With their unanimous and absolutely certain belief, and their unfoldings and illuminations, and the extraordinary guidance they gave the Umma and their wonder-working, the great saints of Prophet’s (PBUH) Family, who in benedictions for the

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