The Rays | The Fifteenth Ray | 686

The Fifth, Sixth, Seventh, and Eighth Universal Testimonies:

Through the testimony of Jawshan al-Kabir, and the sacredness of its allusions; and the Risale-i Nur, and the power of its proofs; and the past, and the unanimity of its signs of a forthcoming prophet; and the future, and the confirmation of thousands of its events.

That is to say, Jawshan al-Kabir, which looks both explicitly and allusively to a thousand and one Divine Names; is a wondrous supplication that in one respect proceeds from the Qur’an; is superior to all the other invocations recited by those who advance in knowledge of God; which was brought as revelation by Gabriel during a military expedition, who said: “Cast away your armour and in its place read this Jawshan!” — the truths it contains and its perfectly accurate descriptions of the Sustainer testify to Muhammad’s (PBUH) messengership and veracity. So too, through proving rationally and logically as a single proof with its one hundred and thirty parts all the truths of the messengership of Muhammad (PBUH), and teaching matters which in the view of philosophy are remote from reason in the most reasonable and easy fashion as though they were before one’s very eyes, the Risale-i Nur —which in one respect received effulgence from the Jawshan and was born of it— testifies in universal fashion to Muhammad’s (PBUH) messengership and veracity.

Also, the past was a universal witness to his messengership, for numerous incidents which occurred before the commencement of his prophethood called irhasat, and wonders which were counted as miracles of the coming prophet and are related unanimously in the histories and books of biography, testify in authentic fashion to his messengership. These are of many different sorts. A part of them are described in the coming ‘Testimonies’ below, and others are related in the form of sound narrations in Zülfikâr and in books of history.

For example, close to the time of the Prophet’s (PBUH) birth stones being rained down from the claws of the ababil birds on the heads of Abraha’s soldiers, who had come to destroy the Ka‘ba; and on the night of his birth the idols in the Ka‘ba all toppling over; and the palace of Chrosroes the Persian being destroyed; and the fire-

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