The Rays | The Fifteenth Ray | 688

Prophet are held equal to the descendants of Abraham (Peace be upon him), who manifested the meaning of “The scholars of my community are the equivalent of the prophets of the Children of Israel,”19 and ‘Ali, Hasan, Husayn, and the twelve Imams of the Prophet’s Family, and the spiritual poles and leaders like Gawth al-A‘zam, Ahmad al-Rufa’i, Ahmad al-Badawi, Ibrahim al-Dassuqi, and Abu’l-Hasan al-Shazali all ratified through their belief and testimonies the messengership, veracity, and truthfulness of Muhammad (PBUH).

The Tenth: The Companions of the Prophet, regarded as the most elevated and esteemed group after the prophets, through the light of Muhammad (PBUH) came in a short time to govern with justice from east to west despite being illiterate nomads, and becoming advanced, educated, civilized masters, teachers, diplomats and just judges, they defeated world powers and made that century into an age of happiness. After scrutinizing every aspect of his conduct, through the power of the many miracles they witnessed with their own eyes, they abandoned their former enmities and the ways of their forefathers, and many of them such as Khalid ibn al-Walid and Ikrima Ibn Abu Jahl gave up the tribalism of their fathers. Their embracing Islam in truly devoted and self-sacrificing manner, and believing in Muhammad’s veracity and messengership at the degree of ‘vision of certainty’ forms an unshakeable universal testimony.

The Eleventh: The belief in Muhammad’s messengership and veracity in reasoned, logical manner at the degree of ‘knowledge of certainty’ of the mujtahids, imams, and authoritative scholars, who are known as the purified ones and veracious ones, and of the thousands of investigative scholars such as the brilliant philosophers Ibn Sina and Ibn Rushd, based on thousands of categorical arguments and definitive proofs, each following his own way, forms a testimony so universal that only one with the intelligence of all of them could oppose them.

One of those innumerable witnesses at the present time is the Risale-i Nur, before which the deniers have found themselves helpless, so deceiving the police and judiciary, have tried to silence it

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