The Rays | The Fifteenth Ray | 689

by means of the courts.

The Twelfth: In their spiritual progress, the profoundest people of reality and researchers into the realities known as spiritual poles, each of whom drew into the circle of his instruction a significant part of the Umma in the World of Islam, and through his wondrous guidance and wonder-working caused those people to advance spiritually, and whose progress was based on illumination and disclosing the realities in place of proofs —they saw ‘experientially’ through their illuminations Muhammad’s (PBUH) messengership and truthfulness and that his veracity was of the very highest degree. Their unanimous and mutually conforming testimony to his prophethood forms such a signature that no one who does not attain to a degree of perfections as elevated as all of them can erase it.

The Thirteenth Testimony, which consists of four universal, most extensive and definite proofs:

Through the testimony of the past and the agreement in the tidings of the soothsayers, the voices from the Unseen, and the gnostics in all the periods of the past, and the testimony of the tidings of the prophets and Divine messengers, Peace be upon them, and the good news of the messengership of Muhammad, Peace and blessings be upon him, in the previous holy scriptures.

A brief explanation of the above passage will be given here, for there are precise details together with the chains of authorities in the end section of The Miracles of Muhammad, in Zülfikâr.

It is recorded with sound narrations, and in part with unanimous reports, in the histories and books of Hadith and the Prophet’s biography that among the most prominent and famous of mankind in past times, foremost the prophets and the gnostics, soothsayers, and ‘voices from the Unseen’ foretold Muhammad’s (PBUH) messengership and coming unanimously, explicitly and repeatedly in the form of irhasat. Since the most powerful and certain of those thousands of predictions are described in detail in The Miracles of Muhammad, we refer you to that and here only say by way of a brief indication: out of hundreds in the revealed

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