The Rays | The Fifteenth Ray | 692

mourning, toppling over into the darknesses of non-existence, nothingness, death, and obliteration. It is in consequence of this truth that the universe’s perfections, purposeful transformations, and eternal meanings declare in powerful fashion: “We testify that Muhammad is the Messenger of God!”

The Fifteenth Testimony: The following is an Arabic piece which comprises numerous sacred testimonies. It indicates the sacred testimony to Muhammad’s (PBUH) messengership given through the acts of the dominicality and deeds of mercifulness of the Necessarily Existent One Who has disposal over the universe, and through Whose will, command, and power occur all change and transformation, motion and rest, from minute particles to the planets, and all the disposals of life and death.

Through the testimony of the universe’s Owner, its Creator and Disposer, to the messengership of Muhammad, through the deeds of His mercifulness and acts of His dominicality; such as the mercy of revealing to him the Qur’an of Miraculous Exposition; and displaying many varieties of miracles at his hand; and assisting him and protecting him in all circumstances; and through perpetuating his religion together with all its truths; and by raising him to a position of high respect and honour and bestowal over all creatures, as is to be seen and observed; and His act of dominicality of making Muhammad’s messengership a spiritual sun in the universe, and making his religion the index of the perfections of His servants; and making his reality a comprehensive mirror to the manifestations of His Godhead; and His entrusting him with duties necessary for the existence of creatures in the universe such as mercy, wisdom, and justice, as necessary as food and water, and air and light.

Referring details of this most extensive, certain, and sacred testimony to the Risale-i Nur, here we shall merely take a look at a brief and concise meaning of it.

Since —in accordance with the justice and wisdom, mercy, favour, and protection which we see in the regular, orderly disposals

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