The Rays | The Fifteenth Ray | 694

food, air, water, and light; thus offering sacred testimony to Muhammad’s (PBUH) messengership with twelve universal, decisive proofs — since this is so, is it at all possible that the messengership of Muhammad (PBUH), which thus manifests these universal, extensive testimonies of the universe’s Owner, Who is not indifferent to the ordering of the wing of a fly even or a flower, should not be a Sun of the universe?

Each of these fifteen Testimonies comprise numerous testimonies, and through the tongue of miracles the Second even comprises thousands, thus proving the profession “I testify that Muhammad is the Messenger of God” most powerfully and definitely and proclaiming its reality, value, and importance, so that every day five times in the tashahhud the World of Islam announces it to the universe with millions of tongues. So too, thousands of millions of believers unhesitatingly accept and affirm that the Muhammadan (PBUH) Reality, which is the basis of that profession, is the original seed of the universe, a reason for its creation, and its most perfect fruit. And the universe’s Owner (May His Glory be exalted) made that collective personality of Muhammad (PBUH) the loudest herald of the sovereignty of His dominicality; the accurate discloser of the talisman of the universe and riddle of creation; a shining exemplar of His favour and mercy; an eloquent tongue of His compassion and love; the most powerful bringer of the good tidings of everlasting life and happiness in the eternal realm; and of His messengers, His final and greatest Prophet.

It may be seen from this what a great error, foolishness, and crime those people commit who do not accept a truth such as this, or attach no importance to it, and what a terrible loss they suffer.

Thus, as indicated in Part Two, Sura al-Fatiha in the ritual prayers demonstrates with decisive proofs the affirmation of Divine unity in the profession “I testify that there is no god but God,” which is said in the tashahhud, setting innumerable signatures to it; so too

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