The Rays | The Fifteenth Ray | 693

in the universe— it is the practice of dominicality to always protect the good and deal blows at the bad and liars, as demanded by ‘the acts of His mercifulness,’ this world’s Disposer and Administrator revealed the Qur’an of Miraculous Exposition to Muhammad (PBUH); and He bestowed on him nearly a thousand miracles of very many sorts; and compassionately preserved him in all circumstances and dangerous situations, even by means of a pigeon and a spider; and gave him complete success in all his duties; and perpetuated his religion together with all its truths; and caused his religion of Islam to spread over all the earth and to all mankind; and by raising him to a position of honour above all creatures and a permanent rank of acceptance superior to all the pre-eminent of mankind and, as is agreed by friend and foe alike, bestowed on him the highest character and qualities, and made one fifth of mankind his community — all of which testify most decisively to his faithfulness and messengership; so we see from the point of view of ‘the acts of dominicality’ that this world’s Disposer and Administrator made Muhammad’s (PBUH) messengership a sun in the universe, and as is proved in the Risale-i Nur, caused it to dispel all kinds of darknesses and show its luminous truths, and make happy all conscious beings, indeed the universe, with the good news of eternal life; and He made his religion an index of perfections for all the acceptable people of worship and a sound programme for their acts of worship; and as is indicated by the Qur’an and Jawshan, He made Muhammad’s Reality, which is his collective personality, a comprehensive mirror to the manifestations of His Godhead; and as is indicated by the above-mentioned truths, and by the fact that every day for fourteen centuries he has gained the equivalent of all the good works of all his community, and by his works and traces in man’s social and spiritual life, He made him the highest leader, master, and authority of mankind; and sent him to the assistance of mankind with sacred, sublime duties, and made men as needy for his religion, his Shari‘a, and the truths of Islam21 as they are for mercy, wisdom, justice,

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