The Rays | The Fifteenth Ray | 691

The Fourteenth Testimony: The following Arabic piece alludes to the universe’s powerful testimony:

Through the testimony of the universe to the comprehensive messengership of Muhammad (PBUH) through its aims and the Divine purposes in it, which would otherwise come to nothing, for through the sending of man and particularly of Muhammad its value and duties were established, and its beauties and perfections became clear, and the wisdom in its truths were realized. For his messengership revealed them and was the means of their realization. If it had not been for his messengership, this perfect universe, this eternal and meaningful mighty book, would have gone for nothing, its meanings would have vanished and its perfections declined utterly, which is impossible in numerous respects.

In The Supreme Sign, the above is interpreted as follows:

Just as the universe points to its Maker, Writer, and Inscriber, Who creates, administers, and organizes it, and Who decorating, determining, and planning it, has disposal over it as though it was a palace, a book, an exhibition, or place of display; so it requires and demands an elevated herald, a truthful discoverer, an exacting master, a faithful teacher, who will know the Divine purposes in its creation, and make them known, and will teach the instances of dominical wisdom in its changes, and announce the results of its dutiful motions, and proclaim its value and the perfections of the beings within it. Since this is so and it points to his existence, surely testifying in powerful and universal fashion to the veracity of Muhammad (Peace and blessings be upon him), who performed these duties better than anyone, and to his being the highest and most loyal official of its Creator, it declares: “I testify that Muhammad is the Messenger of God.”

Yes, through the Light Muhammad (PBUH) brought the universe’s nature, value, and perfections, and the duties, results, and value of the beings within it and the fact that they are officials, all became known and were realized. From top to bottom it became Divine missives full of meaning, an embodied dominical Qur’an, and a magnificent exhibition of Divine works. If not for his Light, it becomes a mere desolate ruin, confused, a terrible place of

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