The Rays | The Fifteenth Ray | 699

Thawr and Hut had been appointed captains of the ship, and they took it on its voyage through the magnificent dominical regions for the enjoyment of the Glorious Creator’s creatures and guests. The traveller understood that this showed the reality of “God is the Light of the heavens and the earth,” making known his Creator through this Name. With all his heart and spirit he exclaimed: “All praise be to God, the Sustainer of All the Worlds,” and joined the group of “Those whom You have blessed.”

The Second Sample of what the traveller saw on his journey through the worlds:

The traveller alighted from the ship of the earth and entered the world of animals and men. He looked at that world through the spectacles of the natural science which does not receive its spirit from religion, and saw that although those innumerable animate creatures had endless needs and were assaulted by numberless vexatious enemies and pitiless events, their capital was only a thousandth, or even a hundred thousandth of what they needed. Their power too was perhaps a millionth of what was necessary to combat those harmful things. Being connected to them through his intelligence and out of compassion for his fellow beings, he so pitied them in their ghastly plight, and feeling a hellish pain was so sorry and despairing, that he regretted a thousand times over his ever having come to that wretched world. Then suddenly Qur’anic wisdom came to his assistance, and handing him the telescope of “Those whom You have blessed,” it told him to look through it. He looked and saw that through the manifestation of “God is the Light of the heavens and the earth,” numerous Divine Names such as Most Merciful, All-Compassionate, Provider, Bestower, Munificent, and Preserver, each rose like the sun in the constellations of such verses as:

And there is no living thing but He has hold of its forelock.30 * The beasts do not carry their own sustenance; God sustains them, and you.31 * And we have ennobled the

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