The Rays | The Fifteenth Ray | 702

 Arabic Hizb al-Nuri,37 which I constantly recite reflectively. It expounds three of the thirty-three degrees of the phrase “God is Most Great” (Allahu Akbar). This is followed by a sort of translation of the Arabic piece, consisting of brief indications, which opens up the way to acquiring belief in Divine knowledge, will, and power at the degree of ‘the vision of certainty’ through pointing out their manifestations in the universe, a subject which greatly preoccupied the scholars of theology and of the tenets of belief. Through pointing out the manifestations of knowledge, will, and power, the following indications thus open up the way to complete belief —at the degree of knowledge of certainty— in the Necessarily Existent One’s existence and unity, and to the affirmation of that belief.

In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate.

Say: “Praise be to God, Who begets no son, and has no partner in [His] dominion; nor [needs] He any to protect Him from humiliation; Yes, magnify Him for His greatness and glory!”38

God is greater than everything in respect of power and knowledge, for He is knowing of all things with all-encompassing knowledge necessary to His Essence.39 Nothing can be hidden from His knowledge because of the mystery of its presence and witnessing and all-encompassing luminosity; existence necessitates universality, and the light of knowledge encompasses all the world of existence. Yes, the balanced order, and regular balances, and general, purposeful wisdom, and all-embracing, particular favours, and the well-ordered decrees, and fruitful determining, and specified appointed hours of death, and the regular sustenance, and the wise skills, and the adorned solicitude, and the utterly perfect order, harmony, arrangement,

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