The Rays | The Fifteenth Ray | 703

proficiency, and balance, and absolute distinction with absolute ease all point to the all-encompassing knowledge of the One All-Knowing of the Unseen.

Should He not know, He that created? And He is the One Who understands the finest mysteries [and] is well-acquainted [with them].40

The comparison between man’s fine art, which points to his consciousness, and the fine creation of man, which points to man’s Creator, is the comparison between the tiny glimmer of a fire-fly on a dark night and the splendour of the sun at full noon.Offering a concise translation of the above, we shall make brief indications to Divine knowledge, this most important truth of belief, and refer detailed discussion of it to the Risale-i Nur.41Yes, just as mercy shows itself as clearly as the sun through the wonders of sustenance and proves decisively a Most Merciful and Compassionate One behind the veil of the Unseen; so too, through the wisdom, purposes, and fruits of order and balance in things, knowledge, which is mentioned in hundreds of Qur’anic verses and in one respect is the chief of the sacred seven attributes, displays itself like the light of the sun, making known with certainty the existence of One Knowledgeable of All Things. Yes, the comparison between ordered, measured art, which points to man’s consciousness and knowledge, and man’s fine creation, which indicates the knowledge and wisdom of man’s Creator, resembles the comparison between the tiny glow of the fire-fly on a dark night and the encompassing light of the sun at noon.Now, before explaining the evidences of Divine knowledge, we shall mention briefly the sacred conversation which took place during the Prophet’s Ascension. For Muhammad’s (PBUH) Ascension indicates and testifies that, through its manifestations in

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