The Rays | The Fifteenth Ray | 729

Eighth Step

Through the mystery of the surroundings and wholes inevitably being in the grasp of the Creator of the things which are surrounded and the parts, like the miniature inscribed beings similar to them, or ‘milked,’ extracted droplets, for they and their likes are included in the former with the balance of His knowledge, or are ‘milked’ from them in accordance with the principles of His wisdom.

That is, the relation to the large universals which encompass them of the particulars which are encompassed, and of individuals, seeds, and grains which are within universals and wholes, is as tiny miniatures, and as the identical samples of the universal and wholes, inscribed in miniature in the very finest writing. Since this is so, the encompassing universal must be within the grasp of the Creator of the particulars and completely under His disposal so that through the balances of His knowledge and its fine pens He can include that huge all-encompassing book in hundreds of miniscule sections and notebooks. The relation and comparison, then, of the encompassed parts and particulars with their surroundings is as droplets ‘milked’ from what encompasses them, like milk, or as if someone squeezed the surroundings and those points dripped from them. For example, a melon seed is a droplet milked from all its surroundings or a point in which is written the whole book, for it contains its index, list, and programme. Since it is thus, the encompassing wholes and universals must be within the hand of the Maker of those particulars, droplets, and points so that He can milk the individuals, droplets, and points from them with the sensitive principles of His wisdom. This means that the One Who creates the seed and individual must the One Who creates the whole and the universals, and the other universals and sorts, which encompass the latter and are bigger than them; it could not be anyone else. In which case, the One Who creates a single soul can only be He Who creates all mankind. And the One Who raises to life one dead person, can raise to life all jinn and men at the resurrection of the dead, and will raise them to life. So see, what is claimed and stated by the verse,

Your creation and your resurrection is but as a single

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