The Rays | The Fifteenth Ray | 728

God, the One; * God, the Eternal and Ever-Besought.48 They are brief indications to flashes from the manifestation of Divine oneness and eternal besoughtedness. Making one or two points, we shall take a very brief look at the meaning of this Seventh Step, and for the details refer you to the Risale-i Nur.]

That is, a particle which performs wonderful duties in the eye or brain is not inferior to a star; nor is a part inferior to the whole; for instance, the brain and eye are not inferior to the human being as a whole; nor with regard to beauty of art and the marvels of its creation is a particular individual inferior to a universal species; nor with his strange members and faculties is a man inferior to all the animal species; nor in regard to fine craftsmanship and being treasury-like, and resembling an index, programme, and memory, is a seed inferior to a mighty tree; nor in regard to his creation, and wondrous, comprehensive organs and faculties created so as to perform thousands of amazing duties, is a man, the microcosm, inferior to the universe. This means that the One Who creates the particle cannot lack the power to create the star. And the One Who creates an organ like the tongue, certainly easily creates man. And the One Who creates a single man thus perfectly surely can create all animals, and this He does before our eyes. And the One Who creates a seed as a list, an index, a notebook of the laws issuing from the Divine command, and as a “knot of life,” is certainly the Creator of all trees. And the One Who creates man as a sort of seed of the world and as its comprehensive fruit, and makes him the mirror to all the Divine Names, and connected to all the universe, and His vicegerent on earth, most certainly possesses such power that He creates the universe as easily as He creates man, and sets it in order. In which case, whoever is the Creator, Maker, and Sustainer of the particle, part, particular individual, seed, and man must be the Creator, Maker, and Sustainer of the stars, species, the whole, universals, trees, and the whole universe. That it should be otherwise is impossible and precluded.

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