The Rays | The Fifteenth Ray | 725

every night and every year thousands of stars and suns thousands of times larger than the earth would have to cut distances of thousands of millions of years, so that through their travelling, the situations of the earth and heavens such as the seasons and day and night, might come about. But it would be so difficult as to be impossible.

The phrase And the manifestation of oneness alludes to a vast and extremely subtle, profound, and extensive truth. Referring explanation and proof of it to the Risale-i Nur, we shall here set out a single point by means of a comparison.

Yes, just as through its light the sun illuminates the whole earth and is an example of unity, so through its image, reflection, seven-coloured light, and shape appearing in all the transparent things that face it, such as mirrors, it forms an example of oneness. If the sun possessed knowledge, power, and will, and the fragments of glass and droplets and bubbles in which the tiny suns appeared had the capacity, through the law of Divine will, in each and next to each a complete sun would be present together with its image and attributes, as well as in all the other places. There being no deficiency in its power of disposal, through the command, effect, and word of dominical power, it would be the cause of truly extensive manifestations, thus demonstrating the extraordinary ease and facility of oneness.

In exactly the same way, just as in respect of His unity, the All-Glorious Maker looks through His knowledge, will, and power, which encompass all things, and is all-present and all-seeing everywhere, so with respect to His oneness and through its manifestation, He is present together with His Names and attributes with all things, and particularly living things, so that easily, in an instant, He creates a fly on the pattern of an eagle and a human being according to the system of the universe. He creates living creatures in a way so miraculous that if all causes were to gather together, they could not make a nightingale or a fly. And the One Who creates the nightingale, is the One Who creates all birds; and the One Who creates a human being could only be the One Who creates the universe.

The Fourth and Fifth Steps

Through the mysteries of necessity, total detachment, and

No Voice