The Rays | The Fifteenth Ray | 724

fruits of the garden’s trees in the spring. He easily creates a fly on the pattern of an eagle. He easily makes man the microcosm. Whereas if ascribed to causes, a microbe would be as difficult as a rhinoceros, and a fruit as difficult as a mighty tree. Perhaps too, every particle which performs its wondrous tasks in the body of a living creature would have to be given an eye that sees all things and knowledge that knows all things so that it could carry out those subtle and perfect vital duties.

Also, ease and facility reach such a degree in unity that they become necessary. For if the equipping of an army is from one hand, from one factory, it becomes as easy as equipping a single soldier. Whereas if numerous different hands interfere and the various parts of the equipment are all brought from different factories, quantitively a single soldier’s equipment could be prepared only with a thousand difficulties; since numerous officers interfered, it would be as difficult as a thousand soldiers. Also, if the management and command of a thousand soldiers is given to a single officer, in one respect it becomes as easy as a single soldier, whereas if they were assigned to ten officers or the soldiers themselves, it would result in confusion and great difficulty.

In exactly the same way, if all things are attributed to the Single One of Unity, they become as easy as a single thing. But if they are attributed to causes, a single living creature becomes as difficult as the whole earth, and perhaps impossible. This means that in unity ease and facilty are at the level of necessity. And with the interference of numerous hands, the difficulties amount to impossibility.

As it is said in Letters (Mektûbat), if the alternations of day and night, and the motions of the stars, and the seasons of the year, the autumn, winter, spring, and summer, are left to a single officer and organizer, that commander-in-chief commands the globe of the earth, which is a soldier: “Rise up, rotate, and travel!” Out of joy and delight at receiving the command, with two motions like a Mevlevi dervish in ectasy, it is easily the means to the daily and annual changes and the apparent, imaginary movements of the stars, thus demonstrating the total ease and facility of unity. But if it is left not to the single commander but to causes and the caprices of the stars, and earth is told: “You stop in your place and don’t travel!”,

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