The Rays | The Fifteenth Ray | 723

 their duties. That is to say, if everything is attributed to that power, the creation of the entire army of minute particles and divisions of stars is as easy and free of trouble as the creation of a single particle and single star. Whereas if attributed to causes, the creation of a particle in the pupil of a living being’s eye or in its brain together with its ability to perform its wondrous duties, would be as difficult and troublesome as that of the army of animals.

Third Step

Through the mysteries of the assistance of unity, facility of unity, and the manifestation of oneness.

We shall look at the meaning of this by means of brief indications. That is, due to the unity of sovereignty and all his subjects acting in conformity to his commands alone, it is as easy for a ruler and commander-in-chief to govern a large country and numerous nation as it is to govern the people of a village. For due to the unity of his decree, the members of the nation become a means of facility just like the soldiers, and his com-mands and laws are easily executed. Whereas if it was left to various rulers, in addition to sinking into confusion, to govern a village, or even a household, would be as difficult as governing the country. And since the obedient nation is attached to the single commander, like individual soldiers, through the strength of relying on the commander’s strength, and his ammunition stores and army, each may take an enemy king captive and perform works far exceeding his own individual strength. His connection with the ruler obtains for him an infinite strength and power, so that he may perform great works. But if the relation is severed, he loses that vast strength, and with his own petty strength performs works only to the extent of the arms and ammunition on his back. For if it was required of him to perform all the works he carried out relying on the power of his connection with the ruler, he would have to have in his arm the strength of the army and on his back all the ruler’s stores of arms and ammunition.

In exactly the same way, due to the unity of His sovereignty and absolute rulership, the Monarch of Pre-Eternity and Post-Eternity, the All-Powerful Maker, creates the universe as easily as a city, and raises to life the spring as easily as a garden, and raises to life all the dead at the resurrection as easily as creating the leaves, flowers, and

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