The Rays | The Fifteenth Ray | 720

That is, Divine power is such that it is powerful over all things, encompasses all things, is essential to the Necessarily Existent One, and according to logic, is “necessary” to Him; it is impossible that it should be separated from Him; there is no possibility that it could be. Since the Most Pure and Holy Essence possesses such necessary power, impotence, its opposite, could certainly in no way intervene in it. Impotence could not impinge on the All-Powerful Essence. Since the existence of degrees in a thing occurs through the intervention of its opposite —for example, the degrees and levels of heat occur through the intervention of cold, and the degrees of beauty, through the intervention of ugliness— impotence, the opposite of this essential power, can in no way approach it; there is no possibility whatsoever that it could. There can be no degrees in that absolute power. Since there can be no degrees in it, stars and particles are equal to that power, and there are no differences for it between the part and the whole, or an individual and a species. The raising to life of a seed and a huge tree, and the universe and man, and one individual and all beings with spirits at the resurrection of the dead is equal in relation to that power, and all are equally easy. There is no difference between great and small, many and few. Decisive witnesses to this truth are the perfect art, order, balance, distinction and profusion that we see in the creation of things with absolute speed, absolute ease, and complete facility.

First Step

Through the mystery of the observable utterly perfect order, balance, distinction, and precision, together with the ease in the absolute abundance, speed, and intermingling.

For the meaning of this, see the above truth.

Second Step

Through the mysteries of luminosity, transparency, reciprocity, balance, order, and obedience.

For detailed explanation of this we refer you to the end of the Tenth Word, the Twenty-Ninth Word, and the Twentieth Letter, and here make only a brief allusion. Just as with respect to luminosity and through dominical power, the sun’s light is reflected as easily on the surface of the sea and in all its bubbles as is it on a single

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