The Rays | The Fifteenth Ray | 717

creatures together with all their parts and particles, form and nature, are given their particular perfect states through the will, choice, volition, and intention of One possessing Absolute Power. It proves too that everything is governed by an all-embracing will. These single creatures pointing in this indubitable way to Divine will shows that all creatures offer testimony to their number with a certainty as clear as the sun at noon to Divine will encompassing all things, and that they comprise numberless proofs of the necessary existence of an All-Powerful Possessor of Will.

All the evidences for Divine knowledge mentioned above are also evidences for Divine will, since both function together with power. One cannot be without the other. Just as all the correspondence and conformities between the members of species and sorts of beings indicate that their Maker is One and the same; so their features being distinctive and different from each other in wise and purposive fashion indicates definitely that their Single Maker of Unity acts with will and choice. He creates everything with will, choice, volition, and intention.

This marks the end of my explanations of the Arabic piece’s meaning, which sets forth one universal proof of Divine will. I had intended to write many more important points, as for the question of Divine knowledge, but my brain was exhausted due to the illness I was suffering as a result of being poisoned, so it was postponed to another time.

The Arabic piece about Divine power:

God is Most Great! Through His power and will, greater than all things. For He is powerful over all things with absolute, all-encompassing power, necessary and intrinsic to His Most Pure and Holy Essence. It is impossible that the opposite of His power should intervene in it, for it has no degrees; equal before it are particles and stars, particulars and universals, the part and the whole, the seed and the tree, the world and man — through the mystery of the observable utterly perfect order, balance, distinction, and precision, together with the ease in the absolute abundance, speed, and intermingling; and through the mysteries of luminosity, transparency, reciprocity, balance, order, and obedience;

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