The Rays | The Fifteenth Ray | 716

 refer you to the Risale-i Nur and here cut a long story short.

Now we begin the question of “Will,” which is in Hulâsatü’l-Hulâsa, the summary of The Supreme Sign:45, 46

This piece consists of one long universal proof of Divine will, which comprises many of the proofs of Will. In a short translation of it, we set out evidence proving decisively Divine will and choice and volition. All the above evidences for Divine knowledge are also evidences for will. For the manifestations and works of knowledge and will are apparent together in all creatures.

The meaning of the above Arabic piece in brief:

Everything exists through His will and volition. What He wills occurs, what He does not will does not occur. If He did not will it, nothing would occur. A proof is this:

We see that among infinite, confused possibilities and various fruitless ways, amid intervening and mutually opposing elements which flow like floods causing chaos, in the midst of numerous others resembling themselves, which is the cause of disorder, every creature with its own specific essence, particular attributes, individual character, and distinctive form, is taken within a precise, perfect, regular order; all its members and organs are weighed up with a sensitive, exact measure and balance and attached to it; its mutually opposing members are created living and with extreme art from simple, lifeless matter. For example, a human being is created with a hundred different organs from a droplet of fluid, and a bird is made with numerous different members and organs from a simple egg and clothed in a miraculous form, and a tree is drawn out of a tiny seed comprising simple, lifeless carbon, nitrogen, hydrogen, and oxygen, together with its branches and twigs and various members and parts, and dressed in an orderly, fruitful form. This self-evidently, indubitably, decisively, and necessarily proves that all those

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