The Rays | The Fifteenth Ray | 718

and through the mysteries of the assistance of unity, facility of unity, and the manifestation of oneness; and through the mysteries of necessity, total detachment, and complete otherness of essence; and through the mysteries of unrestrictedness, not being bound by space, and indivisibility; and through the mysteries of the transformation of obstacles and obstructions into means of facility; and through the mystery of the intuition that the particular, the part, the seed and man are not inferior as regards art and eloquence to the star, and that the Creator of the universal, the whole, the tree, and the world is the Creator of the former; and through the mystery of the surroundings and wholes inevitably being in the grasp of the Creator of the things which are surrounded and the parts, like the miniature inscribed beings similar to them, or ‘milked,’ extracted droplets, for they and their likes are included in the former with the balance of His knowledge, or are ‘milked’ from them in accordance with the principles of His wisdom; and through the mystery of a Qur’an of Dignity inscribed with particles of ether on an atom or minutest particle not being of less eloquence or wondrous art than a Qur’an of Grandeur written with the ink of the stars and suns on the page of the heavens; similarly, through their relation to the power of the universe’s Creator, the blooming rose not being of less eloquence and art than the star Venus; nor the ant being inferior to the elephant; nor the microbe inferior to the rhinoceros, nor is the bee inferior to the date-palm. Moreover, the extreme ease and speed in the creation of things causes the people of misguidance to confuse formation with self-formation, which necessitates innumerable impossibilities and is a delusion; while it proves to the people of guidance that in relation to the power of the universe’s Creator particles and the stars are equal, may His glory be exalted, for there is no god but He; God is Most Great!

Before giving a translation of this Arabic piece from the point of

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