The Rays | The Fifteenth Ray | 722

as difficult as the spring, and a fly as difficult as all living beings.

Also, through the mystery of order, the setting in motion of a large ship or an aeroplane through pressing a button with one’s finger is as easy as setting in motion the mainspring of a clock by turning the key with one’s finger. So too since through the principles of pre-eternal knowledge, and laws of eternal wisdom, and universal manifestations of dominical will and its specified principles, all things, universal and particular, large and small, many and few, have been given an immaterial mould, particular measure and proportions, and sheer limits, they are entirely within the order of Divine knowledge and laws of Divine will. Certainly, it is as easy for the Absolutely Powerful One to rotate the solar system and cause the ship of the earth to voyage around its annual orbit through His infinite power as it is for Him to make blood circulate in a body in orderly and wise fashion and the red and white corpuscles circulate in the blood, and the particles circulate in the tiny corpuscles, for without difficulty He creates a human being together with his wondrous organs from a droplet of fluid on the pattern of the universe. This means, if ascribed to that pre-eternal, infinite power, the creation of the universe is as easy as the creation of a single human being. But if not ascribed to that power, it becomes as difficult to create a single human being together with his wondrous organs, members and senses as to create the universe.

Also, through the mystery of obedience, compliance, and conforming to commands, with the command of “Forward march!” a commander impels a single soldier to attack, and with the same command he drives forward to the attack a large, disciplined army. So too, with innate desire and eagerness resembling soldiers totally obedient to the laws of Divine will and subservient to the signs of the dominical creational commands, creatures are a thousand times more obedient than the soldiers of an army —within the bounds of the line of action determined by pre-eternal knowledge and wisdom— and are completely compliant and subservient. It is therefore as easy through the dominical command of “Come into existence out of non-existence and get down to your business!” and in the manner determined by knowledge and in the form specified by will, for power to clothe an individual animate being in an existence particular to it, and take it by the hand and bring it into being as it is to create the army of living beings of the spring and to assign them

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