The Rays | The Fifteenth Ray | 733

[A Eulogy which answers the questions: What is the Risale-i Nur? What is its true nature, and what is the true nature of its Interpreter?]

The high servants of religion who are described in Hadiths as coming at the start of every century are not innovators, they are followers. That is to say, they do not create anything new themselves, they do not bring any new ordinances; they adjust and strengthen religion by way of following to the letter the fundamentals and ordinances of religion and the Sunna of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH); they proclaim the true and original meaning of religion; they remove and render null and void the baseless matters which have been mixed up with it; they reject and destoy the attacks made on religion; they establish the Divine commands, and proclaim and make known the nobility and exaltedness of the Divine ordinances. Only, without spoiling the basic position or damaging the original spirit, they carry out their duties through new methods of persuasion appropriate to the understand of the age, and in new ways and with new details.

These dominical officials confirm their positions through their actions and deeds. They carry out their duty of reflecting the firmness of their belief and their sincerity. They display in their actions their degree of faith. They show that they follow to the letter the practices of Muhammad (PBUH) and that truly they have been invested with the Prophetic robe. In short: for the community of Muhammad (PBUH) they form perfect models in respect of deeds and morality and following and adhering to the Prophet’s Sunna; they are examples worthy of being followed. The works they write expounding God’s Book and elucidating the injunctions of religion, and their presenting these in accordance with the understanding of the age and its degree of learning, are not the products of their own elevated, fertile minds; they are not the result of their own intelligence and knowledge. They are directly the inspirations and promptings of the Pure Essence of Messengership (PBUH), who is the source of revelation. Jaljalutiyya, Mathnawi-i Sharif, and Futuh al-Ghayb and such works are all of this sort. Those holy persons have a part in the ordering of those choice works, and in

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