The Rays | The Fifteenth Ray | 736

In His Name, be He glorified!

And there is nothing but it glorifies Him with praise.

Peace be upon you and God’s mercy and blessings, for ever and ever!

Our Most Beloved, Blessed, Highly-Valued, Kindly Master!

Our revered Master, who has completely abandoned his own will and left all matters to dominical will, who sees the mercy and wisdom of Divine Determining in every apparent calamity and hardship, and with perfect trust and submission awaits in perfect patience the results of that dominical manifestation! In this terrible century when in some places the things on which the believers rely have begun to crumble, and with publications opposing the pillars of belief the deniers of God flaunt themselves openly and arrogantly, and to act in opposition to the Qur’an’s commands and not believe in spiritual forces, and to ascribe the right of creation to unconscious, blind, deaf nature are considered marks of civilization and of being ‘cultured’ and intellectual —at such a time, our gracious Master wrote the Risale-i Nur, a miracle of the Qur’an, and offering its soothing cures to agitated, wretched hearts needy for the water of life of belief, gave them the good news of eternal happiness. On its highway of reality which proves its teachings with decisive, categorical arguments and proofs, and through the mystery of our Illustrious Leader (PBUH), to whom refers “the cause is like the doer,” the equivalent of all the good deeds performed by hundreds of thousands of Risale-i Nur students who have saved their belief through the Risale-i Nur has passed to the register of his good deeds!

Just as in Denizli Prison Almighty God bestowed The Fruits of Belief, whose remedies were sufficiently efficacious to reduce to nothing the distress of the incarceration, and that rose’s sweet scent eliminated all the pains of its thorns, dispelling all our temporary distress; so too here in Afyon Prison, the physical discomforts of one day of which are equal to a month’s discomfort in Denizli Prison, the Most Munificent and Compassionate One of Beauty has bestowed at the hand of you our beloved Master sublime proofs affirming Divine unity and praise, and the messengership of Muhammad (PBUH),

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