The Rays | The Fifteenth Ray | 737

which are cures and antidotes. We most faulty students of yours, who through the effulgences of the Risale-i Nur have learnt to read and write, consider these three short treatises to be both conclusive proofs of the Risale-i Nur’s veracity and a sort of summary of it, in the same way that the programme and index of a mighty pine-tree is encapsulated in its seed.

We are incapable of describing the virtues of these three treatises, but on reading them our spirits experience a powerful relief, our physical sufferings are transformed into joy, and they bring us innumerable fruits from the garden of belief. With its eleven proofs of Divine unity, the first of them dispels the darknesses of disbelief, misguidance, and nature at this time. The second expounds with sacred proofs of belief Sura al-Fatiha, the source, basis, and master of all the comparisons in the Risale-i Nur. And the third explains brilliantly in a way that ensures complete certitude the part about the messengership of Muhammad (PBUH), which was imparted to you, our beloved Master, here in Afyon Prison.

Although we are in no way worthy of anything, we shall strive with all our power to publish these works, which we have received. Offering endless thanks to Almighty God, we pray to Him saying: “Most Merciful of the Merciful! May You be pleased with our Master for ever and ever!”

The Enduring One, He is the Enduring One!

In the name of the Risale-i Nur students,

Zübeyir, Ceylan, Sungur, Ibrahim


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