The Rays | The Fifteenth Ray | 744

In His Name, be He glorified!

And there is nothing but it glorifies Him with praise.

My Dear, Loyal, Unshakeable, Constant, Devoted, Faithful Brothers!

You know that the Ankara experts’ committee was unable to deny the instances of wonder-working and predictions looking to the Risale-i Nur; its members only wrongly supposed that I had a part in them, and objected saying: “Such things should not have been written in the book; wonder-working should not be made public.” In reply to this minor criticism, I said in my defence:

They are not mine and anyway I would not dare to lay claim to such wonders, they are rather distillations and flashes of the Qur’an’s miraculousness, which taking the form of wonders in the Risale-i Nur, which is a true commentary on it, are a sort of Divine bestowal (in order to strengthen the morale of its students). To make public Divine bestowal is thanks of a sort and permissible, and it is acceptable. Now, for an important reason, I shall elucidate my answer a little. I was also asked why I make them public and why I concentrate so much on this point, and why for the last few months I have gone much further in the subject. Most letters are related to the wonder-working.

T h e A n s w e r : Although at this time in the Risale-i Nur’s service of religious belief hundreds of thousands of ‘repairers’ are necessary in the face of the thousands of destructive forces; and although I have need of hundreds of scribes and assistants; and although the people and the authorities should appreciatively and encouragingly help us and get in touch with us rather than avoiding us and not having contact with us; and although the believers are obliged to give preference to the service of belief over the occupations of this worldly life and its benefits, since it looks to eternal life; taking myself as an example, I say this:

Because of our opponents preventing me from having contact with people and having helpers, and from everything; and their

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