The Rays | The Fifteenth Ray | 748

pride in it. It has rather been bestowed directly by Divine mercy as a miracle of the All-Wise Qur’an at this time. He laid hands on that gift of the Qur’an together with thousands of his friends. For sure the duty of chief interpreter fell to him, but evidence that it is not the work of his thought, knowledge, and intelligence is that in the Risale-i Nur are parts which were written in six hours, others that were written in two hours, others in one hour, and some in ten minutes even. I swear that even with the power of memory of the Old Said (May God be pleased with him)53 with my own thought I could not write in ten hours what was written in ten minutes. With my own mind and capacity I could not write in two days the treatise that was written in an hour. And neither myself nor the most exacting religious philosopher could research the matters of the Thirtieth Word and write it in six days, although it was written in one day in six hours. And so on.

That is to say, despite being bankrupt, I am the herald and servant of a wonderfully rich jeweller’s shop. Out of His grace and munificence may Almighty God make us and all Risale-i Nur students purely and sincerely constant in this service, and give us success. Amen. In veneration of the Lord of Messengers.

S a i d N u r s i


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