The Rays | The Fifteenth Ray | 749

The Second Chapter of the Twenty-Ninth Flash

(On the phrase: All praise be to God!)

[This short treatise, called the Second Chapter, explains only nine of the countless lights and advantages of belief in God, which make man declare: “All praise be to God!”]

In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate.


First of all, two things will be pointed out:

1. Philosophy is a pair of dark glasses which shows everything to be ugly and frightful. While belief in God is a transparent, clear, luminous pair of spectacles which shows everything to be beautiful and familiar.

2. Man is connected with all creatures, has a sort of commerce with all things, and by nature is compelled to meet, talk, and be neighbourly with the things that blockade him; so too he possesses six aspects: a left, right, upper, lower, front, and back aspect.

On wearing either of these two pairs of spectacles, man can see the creatures and things present in the aspects mentioned above.

Right Aspect: What is meant by this aspect is the past. When it is looked at through the spectacles of philosophy, what is seen is a

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