The Rays | The Fifteenth Ray | 752

and grandeur of those miracles of power and the degree to which the miracles point to the grandeur of the Pre-Eternal Sovereign, men will return to the Sovereign’s realm. So he will say: “All praise be to God!” for the bounty of belief which has given him this bounty.

Since the praise offered in saying: “All praise be to God!” for the bounty of belief, which thus banishes the above-mentioned layers of darkness, is also a bounty, praise should be offered for it too. And praise should be offered a third time for this second bounty of praise, and a fourth time for the third bounty of praise... That is to say, an infinite chain of praise is born of a single uttering of the phrase: “All praise be to God!”


One should say: “All praise be to God!” for the bounty of belief which illuminates these six aspects, for just as since it disperses the darkness of the six aspects, it may be considered a great bounty for the warding off of evil, so too since it illuminates them it may be thought of as a second bounty, for the attraction of benefits. Therefore, since man is by nature civilized, he is connected with all the creatures in the six aspects, and through the bounty of belief has the possibility of benefiting from the six aspects.

Thus, according to a meaning of the verse:

Wheresoever you turn, there is the countenance of God,1

man finds enlightenment in whichever of the six aspects he is found. In fact, someone who is a believer has a life which in effect stretches from the foundation of the world to its end. This life of his receives assistance from the light of a life which extends from pre-eternity to post-eternity. In the same way, thanks to the belief which illuminates the six aspects, man’s narrow time and space are transformed into a broad and easy world. This extensive world becomes like man’s house, and the past and the future like present time for his spirit and heart. The distance between between them disappears.

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