The Rays | The Fifteenth Ray | 755

And He has made subject to you the sun and the moon,2


He it is Who enables you to travel the land and the sea,3

the Qur’an of Miraculous Exposition alludes to these wonderful bounties and blessings which arise from belief.


It is known through belief that God’s existence is a bounty surpassing all other bounties, a great bounty which is a source, a fountain, containing endless varieties of bounties, innumerable sorts of blessings, and uncountable kinds of gifts. It is consequently incumbent on man and a debt to offer praise and laudation for the bounties of belief to the number of particles in the world. A number of these have been shown in various parts of the Risale-i Nur; discussing belief in God, they raise the veil from these bounties and point them out.

One of the bounties for which praise should be offered with all the praise that the phrase “All praise be to God!” indicates with the ‘Lam of specification,’4 is the bounty of Divine mercy. Indeed, mercy comprises bounties to the number of living beings which manifest Divine mercy. For man in particular is connected with all living creatures, and in this respect is gladdened by their happiness and saddened by their pain. Thus, a bounty found in a single individual is a bounty also for his fellows.

Another which comprises bounties to the number of children which are blessed with their mother’s tenderness, and which deserves praise and laudation, is Divine compassion. Yes, a person with conscience who feels sorrow and pity at the weeping of a motherless, hungry child, surely feels pleasure at a mother’s compassion for her child, surely he is pleased and happy. Thus, pleasures of this sort are each a bounty and require praise and thanks.

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