The Rays | The Fifteenth Ray | 757

pages and lines, all its world and letters — the Most Pure and Holy One, Whom it praises and extols through making manifest His attributes of beauty and perfection. It is as follows:

According to its capacity, whether great or small, each inscription in this mighty book praises and extols its Inscriber, Who is the Single and Eternally Besought One, through displaying His glorious attributes.

Likewise, each inscription in the book of the universe offers praise through exhibiting the attributes of Beauty of its Scribe, Who is the Most-Merciful and Compassionate One.

Likewise, through reflecting and mirroring the manifestations of the Most Beautiful Names, all the inscriptions and points and embroideries in this book utter the praises of the Most Pure and Holy One through lauding, glorifying, and exalting Him.

Likewise, each ode in this book of the universe extols and glorifies its Composer, Who is All-Powerful and All-Knowing.


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