Islam in Focus | CHAPTER - 2 | 65


The Concept of Faith (Iman)

Some people may think that man becomes a Muslim when he confesses belief in the Oneness of the True God and in Muhammad as His Last Messenger. But this is far from the full meaning of Faith. The full meaning of Faith in Islam is not, by any means, something nominal or mere formality. Faith in Islam is a state of happiness acquired by virtue of positive action and constructive conceptions as well as dynamic and effective measures. The Holy Qur’an and the Traditions of Muhammad define these required measures and establish the standards which build up a meaningful Faith. Thus, the true believers are:

1. Those who believe in God, His angels, His Books as completed by the Qur’an, His messengers with Muhammad being the Last of them all, the Day of Final Judgement, the absolute knowledge and wisdom of God.

2. Those who trust God always and enjoy unshakable confidence in Him.

3. Those who spend in the way of God of what He has given them in the form of wealth, life, health, knowledge, experience, and so on.

4. Those who observe their daily prayers regularly as well as the weekly and annual congregations.

5. Those who pay their religious taxes (alms or Zakah) to the rightful beneficiaries.

(individuals or institutions), the minimum of which is two and half percent of the annual “net” income, or of the total value of stocks if in business – after discounting all expenses and credits.

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