Islam in Focus | CHAPTER - 3 | 147

7. To fail in observing any of the essential acts of prayers, like standing, reciting the Qur’an, Ruk’ u, Sujud, etc.; unless for reasons of disability or physical ailment.

8. To uncover the body between the navel and knees during the prayer in the case of males; and in the case of females, to uncover any part of the body, except the face and the hands Any prayer which becomes invalidated must be repeated properly.

The Funeral Prayers (Salatu-l-Janazah)

1. The prayer to God for the deceased Muslim is a common collective duty (Fard Kifayah). This means that some Muslims should offer this prayer, and when it is offered by some of the Muslims present at the time it is sufficient, and the other Muslims become exempt from responsibility.

2. When a Muslim dies, the Whole body - beginning with the exposed parts washed in ablution (wudu’ ) - must be washed a few times with soap or some other detergent or disinfectant, and cleaned of all visible impurities. A man washes a man and a women washes a woman. A woman may wash her husband, and a man or woman may wash young children. During the washing the washer’s hands should be covered by gloves or cloth, and the private parts of the dead body should be washed without being seen.

When the body is thoroughly clean, it is wrapped in one or more white cotton sheets covering all the parts of the body.

3. The dead body is then placed on a bier or in a coffin and carried to the place of prayer, a mosque or any other clean premises. The body is put in a position with the face toward the direction of Mecca.

4. All participants in the prayer must perform an ablution unless they are keeping an earlier one. The Imam stands beside the body facing the Qiblah at Mecca with the followers behind him in lines.

5. The Imam raises his hands to the ears declaring the intention in a low voice to pray to God for that particular deceased one, and saying Allahu Akbar (God is the Greatest). The worshippers follow the Imam’s lead and after him place their right hands over the left ones under the navel as in others prayers.

6. Then the Imam recites in a low voice the “Du’ a Thana” and the Fatihah only.

7. Then he says Allahu Akbar without raising his hands and recites the second part of the Tashahhud (from “’Allahumma salli ‘ala Muhammad” to the end). (This will be found later in this chapter).

8. Then he makes the third Takbeer saying Allahu Akbar without raising the hands and offers a supplication (Du’ a’ ) in any suitable words he knows preferably these

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