Islam in Focus | CHAPTER - 3 | 161

And if this is done deliberately without any lawful reason, the penalty is to observe the fast of sixty consecutive days or, as a second alternative, feed sixty poor persons sufficiently, besides observing the fast of one day against the day whose fast was made void When the fast of days other than those of Ramadan is broken for a lawful reason like those classified under the heading “Exemption” above, the person involved must make up for that fast later, a day for a day If anyone, by mistake, does something that would ordinarily break the fast, his observance is not nullified, and his fast stands valid, provided he stops doing that thing the moment he realizes what he is doing On completion of the fast of Ramadan, the special charity known as Sadqatu-l-Fitr (Charity of breaking the Fast) must be distributed before Eed-l-Fitr prayer (see the value of this charity in the previous topic ”The Performance of ‘Eed Prayers” ).

General Recommendations

It is strongly recommended by prophet Muhammad to observe these practices especially during Ramadan:

1. To have a light meal before the break of the dawn, known as Suhoor;

2. To eat three dates and have a drink of water right after sunset, saying this prayer:

Al-lahumma laka sumna wa ‘ala rizqika aftarna (O God! For Your sake we have fasted and now we break the fast with the food You have given us)

3. To make your meals as light as possible because, as the prophet put it, the worst thing man can fill is his stomach,

4. To observe the supererogatory prayer known as Taraweeh;

5. To exchange social visits and intensify humanitarian services;

6. To increase study and recitation of the Qur’an;

7. To exert the utmost in patience and humbleness;

8. To be extraordinarily cautious in using the senses, the mind and especially, the tongue; to abstain from careless and gossipy chats and avoid all suspicious motions.


Human beings have been created differently with regard to their livelihoods. As a consequence of the difference, God Almighty invites the rich to assist the poor, so that through the hunger experienced in fasting, the rich can truly understand the pains and hunger which the poor suffer. If there was no fasting, there would be many self-indulgent rich unable to perceive just how grievous is hunger and poverty and how needy of compassion are those who suffer them.

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