Islam in Focus | CHAPTER - 3 | 174

The frequent declaring of “God is Most Great!” during the Hajj is for the above reason. For the blessed Hajj is worship at a universal level for everyone. Just as on a special day like a festival a soldier goes to the king’s celebrations like a General in the sphere of General, and receives his favours, in the same way, a Hajji, no matter how lowly, is turned towards his Sustainer under the title Mighty Sustainer of every region of the earth, like a saint who has traversed all the degrees. He is honoured with universal worship. For sure, the universal degrees of dominicality opened with the key of the Hajj, and the horizons of the tremendousness of Godhead which are visible to his eye through its telescope, and the spheres of worship which gradually unfold to his heart and imagination through its observances, and the heat, wonder, awe, and dread of dominicality caused by the levels of sublimity and last stage of manifestation, can only be quieted by “God is Most Great! God is Most Great!”, and those observed or imagined unfolded degrees can only be proclaimed by it.

(The Sixteenth Word - Risale-i.Nur Collection)


One fifth of mankind, three hundred million people, together declaring: “God is Most Great! God is Most Great! God is Most Great!”; and in relation to its size the globe broadcasting to its fellow planets in the skies the sacred words of God is Most Great!; and the more than twenty thousand pilgrims performing the Hajj, on ‘Arafat and at the Festival, together declaring: “God is Most Great!” are all a response in the form of extensive, universal worship to the universal manifestation of Divine dominicality through God’s sublime titles of Sustainer of the Earth and Sustainer of All The Worlds, and are a sort of echo of the God is Most Great! spoken and commanded one thousand three hundred years ago by God’s Noble Messenger (Peace and blessings be upon him) and his Family and Companions. This I imagined and felt and was certain about.

(The Eighth Topic From The Fruits Of Belief - Risale-i Nur Collection)

Final Remarks Concerning The Application of Faith

We remind the readers again that there are minor differences of interpretation between the various schools of law regarding few details in the exercise of prayers, fasting, alms & pilgrimage. However, following any of the authentics schools is acceptable.

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