Islam in Focus | CHAPTER - 4 | 190

But if parents demand the wrong or ask for the improper, disobedience becomes not only justifiable, but also imperative. Obey or disobey, the children’s attitude toward parents may not be categorical submissiveness or irresponsible defiance The last integral part of ihsan to be mentioned here is that children are responsible for the support and maintenance of parents. It is an absolute religious duty to provide for the parents in case of need and help them to make their lives as comfortable as possible.

Other Aspects of the Family Life

Closely connected with the family life is the treatment of “servants” , other family members, relations, and neighbors. To those who keep permanent maids Prophet Muhammad has given advice and good tidings. “Masters” are enjoined to treat their servants like brothers, and not like slaves, because whoever treats his servant well, said the Prophet, God will make his death easy and pleasant, a moment which is ordinarily painful and difficult. Servants are entitled to justice, kindness, mercy, food, clothing, accommodation and other personal expenses. The Prophet goes as for as to say that they should be fed and dresses of the same stuff as used by their masters, and this is to be provided by the masters themselves as a part of their obligations to the servants. These are not to be persecuted or disdained or overcharged with work. This stipulation is designed to show how Islam dignifies humanity and honors labor without inviting the class warfare or the despotic authority of the proletariat. Being a servant or laborer does not deprive any person of his rights or affect his dignity as a human being. Nor does it make him addicted to the opium of the utopian proletariat.

All citizens of a real Muslim society stands on equal footing, because Islam does not recognize the caste system or the second class citizenship. The only superiority acknowledged by Islam is that of piety and good deeds in the service of God (Qur’an, 9:105; 49:13) Man is ordained by God to extend his utmost help and kindness to other family members and relations, to show them true feelings of love and care. It might be interesting to note that the world ‘kinship’ in Arabic is derived from a root word which means mercy (Rahim and Rahmah). Kindness to one’s kinsfolk is a short cut to Paradise, which is otherwise forbidden for those who neglect their duties in this respect.

The extension of kind treatment to relatives is described by the Prophet as a Divine blessing of one’s life and provisions. It is a sacred duty to be good to the kin even though they may not respond in a similar way.

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