Lights of Reality | Lights of Reality | 10
From The Fourth Flash
The Highway of the Practices of the Prophet (PBUH)

[Although the Imamate question is a matter of sec­ondary importance, in consequence of the exces­sive attention paid it it was as though included among the matters of belief and was dealt with by the sciences of theology (kalâm) and the princi­ples of religion. Here, it is in part discussed because of this, and also because of its relevance to our basic duties towards the Qur'an and belief.]

In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compas­sionate.

Now has come a prophet from among yourselves; it heavily weighs upon him that you might suffer; fidl of concern is he for you, and fidl of compas­sion and mercy towards the believers. * But if they turn away, say: God is enough for me, there is no god but He. In Him have I placed my trust, for He is the Sustainer of the Mighty Throne.1 *

1. Qur'an, 9:128-9.
Say: I ask no recompense of you save love of close kin.2
2.Quran, 42:23.

We shall point out in two stations two of the many vast truths contained in these glorious verses.

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