Lights of Reality | Lights of Reality | 7

In this world, the effects of time on things, and on their transience and passing, differ greatly. Also, although beings are one within the other like con­centric circles, they all differ as regards the speed of their passing.

Just as the hands of a clock counting the seconds, and those counting the minutes, hours, and days superficially resemble each other, but differ in respect to speed, so too the spheres of the body, soul, heart, and spirit in man differ from one another. For example, the body possesses an immor­tality, a life, and an existence in the present day, and even in the present hour while its past and future are dead and non-existent, yet the sphere of the heart's existence and life extends from many days previous to the present day and to many days in the future. Then the sphere of the spirit is vast; the sphere of its life and existence extends from years previous to the present day to years subsequent to it.

By virtue of this capacity, in respect of knowl­edge, love, and worship of God the Sustainer, and the pleasure of that Most Merciful One, from which spring the life of the heart and spirit, transient life in this world contains within it a perpetual life, and results in eternal life, and resembles everlasting life.

Yes, one second seeking the love, knowledge, and pleasure of the Truly Eternal One is like a year. While a year not spent on His way, is a second. A single second, even, on His way becomes immortal and the equivalent of many years. But for the people of neglect, a hundred years looking to this world are like a single second. There is a famous saying: "A moment's separation lasts a year, and a year's union passes in an instant." I say the complete opposite to this: a moment's union for God's sake within the bounds of the Eternal One of Glory's pleasure is a window of union, not of only a year; it is a perma­nent window. While hot one year, but perhaps a thousand spent in heedlessness and misguidance pass in an instant. There is a saying more famous than the previous one that corroborates this: "The broad earth with enemies resembles a cup, while the eye of a needle with friends is a broad arena."

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