Lights of Reality | Lights of Reality | 6

Included in human nature is an intense love of immortality. Even, because of his power of imagina­tion, man fancies a sort of immortality in everything he loves. Whenever he thinks of or sees their pass­ing, he cries out from the depths of his being. All lamentations at separation are interpretations of the weeping caused by love of immortality. If there were no imagined immortality, there would be no love. It might even be said that a reason for the exis­tence of the eternal realm and everlasting Paradise is the intense desire for immortality arising from that passionate love of immortality, and from the innate, general prayer for immortality. The Eternal One of Glory accepted transient man's intense, unshakea-ble, innate desire and his powerful, effective, general prayer, because He created an eternal realm for him.

Is it at all possible that the Munificent and Com­passionate Creator would accept the insignificant wish of a tiny stomach and its supplication through the tongue of disposition for a temporary immortal­ity by creating innumerable delicious foods, and not accept the intense desire of all humankind, which arises from an overpowering innate need, and its universal, constant, rightful, just prayer for immor­tality, offered through word and state? God forbid, a hundred thousand times! It is impossible that He would not accept it. Not to accept it would be in keeping with neither his wisdom, nor His justice, nor His mercy, nor His power.

Since man is most desirous of immortality, all his perfections and pleasures are dependent on it. And since immortality is particular to the Eternal One of Glory; and since the Eternal One's names are eter­nal; and since the Eternal One's mirrors take on His hue, and reflect His decree, and manifest a sort of immortality; for sure the matter most important for man, his most pressing duty, is to form a relation with that Eternal One and to adhere to His names. For everything expended on the way of the Eternal One receives a sort of immortality. The second "the Eternal One, He is the Eternal One!" expresses this truth. In addition to healing man's innumerable spir­itual wounds, it satisfies the intense wish for immor­tality inherent in his nature.

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