Lights of Reality | Lights of Reality | 41

The Ninth is to struggle to be a perfect human being through journeying with the heart and striving with the spirit and spiritual progress; that is to say, to be a true believer and total Muslim; that is, to gain not superficial belief, but the reality of belief and the reality of Islam; that is, to be directly the bondsman of the Glorious Creator of the Universe, in the universe and in one respect as the universe's representative, and to be His addressee, and friend.

and beloved, and to be a mirror to Him; and through showing man to be on the best of patterns, it is to prove man's superiority to the angels. It is to fly through the lofty stations with the Shari'a's wings of faith and works, and to behold eternal happiness in this world, and even to enter upon it.

Glory be unto You! We liave no knowledge save that which You have taught us; indeed, You are All-Knowing, All-Wise!3

0 God! Grant blessings and peace to the Supreme Help in every age and the Sublime Spiritual Pole at all times, our master Muhammad, the magnifi­cence of whose sainthood was manifested in his Ascension, as was the station of his being the beloved of God, and under the shadow of whose Ascension are included all sainthoods, and to all his Family and Companions. Amen. And all praise be to God, the Sustainer of All the Worlds.

Addendum to the Twenty-Sixth Word

A Short, Safe Way to God

[This short Addendum has great importance; it is beneficial for everyone.]

In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate.
The ways leading to Almighty God are truly numerous. While all true ways are taken from the Qur'an, some are shorter, safer, and more general than others. Of these ways taken from the Qur'an is that of impotence, poverty, compas­sion, and reflection, from which, with my defective understanding, I have benefited.

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