Lights of Reality | Lights of Reality | 44

As the verse,

"Whatever good happens to you is from God, but whatever evil befalls you is from yourself

teaches, the nature of the evil-commanding soul demands that it always considers goodness to be from itself and it becomes vain and conceited. Thus, in this Step, a person sees only faults, defects, impotence, and poverty in himself, and understandsthat all his good qualities and perfections are boun­ties bestowed on him by the All-Glorious Creator. He gives thanks instead of being conceited, and offers praise instead of boasting. According to the meaning of the verse,

"Truly he succeeds who purifies it,"[6]

his purification at this stage is to know his perfec­tion to lie in imperfection, his power in impotence, and his wealth in poverty.


As the verse,

"Everything will perish save His countenance"

teaches, the evil-commanding soul considers itself to be free and independent and to exist of itself. Because of this, man claims to possess a sort of dominicality. He harbours a hostile rebelliousness towards his True Object of Worship. Thus, through understanding the following fact, he is saved from this. The fact is this:

According to the apparent meaning of things, which looks to each thing itself, everything is transi­tory, wanting, accidental, non-existent. But accord­ing to the meaning that signifies something other than itself and in respect of each thing being a mir­ror to the All-Glorious Maker's names and charged with various duties, each is a witness, it is wit­nessed, and it is existent. The purification and cleansing of a person at this stage is as follows:

6. Qur'an,91:9.
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