Lights of Reality | Lights of Reality | 46

In Short: Dismissing beings from working on account of other beings, this way is to not look at them as signifying themselves.

from The Fifteenth Letter

The Companions' Sainthood In His Name, be He glorified! And there is nothing but it glorifies Him with praise.

     My Dear Brother! YOUR FIRST QUESTION

     Why didn't the Companions discover the troublemakers with the eye of sainthood, so that it resulted in three of the four Rightly-Guided Caliphs being martyred? For it is said that the lesser Companions were greater than the greatest saints?

   The Answer: This matter comprises two stations.
       First Station

   The question is solved by explaining as follows a subtle mystery of sainthood:

   The Companions' sainthood, known as the greater sainthood (velâyet-i kiibra), is a sainthood which arose from the legacy of prophethood (verâset-i nübüvvet), and, passing directly from the apparent to reality without travelling the intermedi­ate path, looks to the unfolding of divine immediacy (akrebiyet). Although this way of sainthood is very short, it is extremely elevated. Its wonders are few, but its virtues many. Illuminations and wonder-workings are to be encountered infrequently on it. Moreover, the wonder-working of the saints is mostly involuntary; wonders appear from them unexpectedly as a divine bestowal. And the majority of such illuminations and wonder-workings occur during their spiritual journeying, as they traverse the intermediate realm of the Sufi path; they manifest these extra-ordinary states because they have with­drawn to a degree from ordinary humanity. As for the Companions, due to the reflection, attraction, and elixir of the company of prophethood, they were not compelled to traverse the vast sphere of spiritual journeying of the Sufi way. They were able to pass from the apparent to reality in one step, through one conversation with the Prophet (Blessings and peace be upon him). For example, there are two ways of reaching the Night of Power, if it was last night:

One is to travel and wander for a year and so come to that night. One has to traverse a year's dis­tance to gain this proximity. This is the method of those who take the way of spiritual journeying, which most of those who follow the Sufi path take.

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