Lights of Reality | Lights of Reality | 66

We shall demonstrate through five small exam­ples that the Words both teach the realities, and per­form the function of guidance.

First E x a m p 1 e : I myself have formed the conviction through experiencing, not ten or a hun­dred times, but thousands of times, that just as the lights proceeding from the Words and the Qur'an give instruction to my mind, so do they induce a state of belief in my heart and produce the pleasure of belief in my spirit, and so on. The same goes for the matters of this world: just as the follower of a wonder-working shaikh awaits saintly assistance from him in answering his needs, so I have awaited from the wondrous mysteries of the All-Wise Qur'an that they answer my needs, and this has been achieved for me on numerous occasions in ways I had not hoped or anticipated. The following are only two minor examples:

The First: As is described in detail in the Six­teenth Letter, a large loaf of bread appeared in an extraordinary way to a guest of mine called

Siileyman, at the top of a cedar tree. For two days, the two of us fed off that gift from the Unseen.

The Second Example: I shall recount a very insignificant yet subtle incident that occurred recently. It was this:

Before dawn, the thought came to me that some things had been said about me in a way that would cast suspicion into someone's heart. I said to myself: If only I had seen the person and had dis­pelled that unease from his heart. At that moment, I needed part of one of my books which had been sent to Nis, and I said to myself: "If only I had got it back." Then after the morning prayer, I sat down and lo and behold, that same person entered the room holding that very part of the book in his hand. I said to him: "What is it that you're holding?" He answered: "I don't know. Someone gave it to me outside my house saying that it had come from Nis; so I brought it to you." "Glory be to God!" I exclaimed, "it does not look like chance, this man coming from his house at this time of day and this part of the Words arriving from Nis." And thinking: it was surely the All-Wise Qur'an's saintly influ­ence that gave this man that piece of paper at that moment and sent it to me, I declared: "All praise be to God! The One who knows the smallest, most secret, least significant desire of my heart, will cer­tainly have compassion on me and protect me; in which case, I feel no obligation towards the world whatsoever!"

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