Lights of Reality | Lights of Reality | 68

There are numerous other examples like these five which show that if the sciences of belief are experi­enced directly as cures from the mysteries of the All-Wise Qur'an in consequence of need and as healing for wounds, those sciences of belief and spiritual cures are sufficient for those who perceive their need and make use of them with earnest sincer­ity. Whatever the chemist and herald is like who sells and announces them - be he commonplace, or bankrupt, or rich, or a person of rank, or a servant -it does not make much difference.

Yes, there is no need to have recourse to candle­light when the sun is shining. Since I am showing the sun, it is meaningless and unnecessary to seek candlelight from me, especially since I have none. Others should rather assist me with prayers, spiritual assistance, and even saintly influence. It is my right to seek help and assistance from them, while it is incumbent on them to be content with the effulgence they receive from the lights of the Risale-i Nur.

Glory be unto You! We have no knowledge save that which You have taught us; indeed, You are All-Knowing, All-Wise!

O God, grant blessings to our master Muhammad that will be pleasing to You and fidfllment of his truth, and to his Family and Companions, and grant them peace.

     The Answer: At a time all ideas were opposed and hostile to the truths of Islam, the Companions believed so strongly - sometimes on only seeing the person of God's Messenger (PBUH) and without miracles - that all the generally held ideas in the world did not shake them. Let alone doubts, they did not cause them the slightest anxiety or scruple. You are comparing your belief with that of the Compan­ions, but how can there be any comparison? For you see with the mind's eye, not the Messenger's (PBUH) humanity and bodily form, which was the seed of the Tuba-tree of his prophethood, but through all the lights of Islam and truths of the Qur'an, his luminous, magnificent collective personalky, encompassed by a thousand miracles, yet you waver and fall into doubt at the word of a European philosopher. 

from The Twenty-Seventh Word

About the Companions  

QUESTION: The Companions saw God's Noble Messenger (Peace and blessings be upon him), then the)' believed. However we have believed without seeing him, in which case our belief is stronger. Also, there are narrations mentioning the strength of our belief, are there not?

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