Fruits From The Tree Of Light | Fruits From The Tree Of Light | 17
Or if someone were to say of a person who had formed a great army in a single day from nothing: "That person will gather together those battalions the soldiers of which have dispersed to rest, and the battalions will become part of his troops," and you were to say: "I don't believe it!", you can understand what stupidity your behaviour would be.
If you have understood these three comparisons, took: the Pre-Eternal Inscriber turns over the white page of winter before our eyes and opens the green page of spring and summer, and writes in the best of forms on the page of the face of the earth the more than three hundred thousand species of beings with the pen of power and Divine Determining. One within the other. He confuses not one of them. He writes them all together, yet not one is an obstacle to another. They all differ from one another in regard to form and shape, yet He mixes up none of them. He writes nothing wrongly.
So, can it be said of the All-Wise Preserver Who includes in the tiniest seed like a point the programme of the spirit of the largest tree, how can He preserve the spirits of the dead?
Can it be said of the АН-Powerful One Who spins the globe of the earth as though it were a stone in a sling, how can He remove or scatter the earth, which is blocking the path of His guests on their way to the Hereafter?
Can it be said of the All-Glorious One Who Creates from nothing, anew, the armies of all living beings, and, with the command of "Be! "and ti is,1 enrolls and situates the particles with perfect Order in the battalions of all their bodies, —can it be said of Him, how can He gather together at a single trumpet-blast those mutually-acquainted fundamental particles and essential parts through their entering under the order of the battalion-like bodies?
Furthermore, you can see with your own eyes how many inscriptions He has made in every epoch, every century, of the world, and even in the alternation of night and day, and in the creation and disappearance of the clouds in the sky, all of which resemble the resurrection of spring and are examples, signs and indications of the resurrection of the dead. You may even travel with your imagination to a thousand years ago and compare with one another the two wings of time, the past and the future: you will see examples of the Great Gathering and samples of the resurrection to the number of centuries and days. So if you still consider unreasonable and deem unlikely bodily resurrection despite observing all these examples and indications, you too may understand what lunacy it is! Look! See what the Supreme Decree has to say about the truth we are discussing:
So think on the signs of God's Mercy, how He gives life to the earth after its death; indeed.
He it is Who will give life to the dead, and He is powerful over all things.2
In Short: There is nothing to prevent resurrection; indeed, everything necessitates it.
Yes, the tremendous and eternal dominicality of the One Who gives life and death to this mighty earth — the gathering of wonders— as though it were a mere animal and makes it a pleasant cradle, a fine ship, for man and the animals, and makes the sun a lamp supplying light and heat for them in this guest-house, and makes the planets vehicles for the angels — this dominicality, this vast and all-encompassing rule, cannot be founded and rest only on the transient, passing, unstable, insignificant, changing, impermanent, defective, imperfect matters of this world. This means He has another realm, one permanent, stable, unperishing, majestic, and worthy of Him. Another, everlasting domain. It is for this that He causes us to labour. It is there that He invites us.
I. Qur'an, 36:82, etc.

2. Qur'an. 30:50

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