Fruits From The Tree Of Light | Fruits From The Tree Of Light | 18
And all those with illumined spirits, all the spiritual poles with lumi¬nous hearts, all those with illuminated intellects who have penetrated from outer appearances to the truth and have been honoured with proximity to the Divine Presence, all testify that He shall transfer us there. They inform us unanimously that He has prepared reward and punishment for us, and relate that He repeatedly gives most firm promises and most severe warnings.As for the breaking of a promise, it is both abasement and degradation. It can in no way be be associated with His Sacred Glory. As for fail¬ing to carry out a threat, it arises from either for¬giveness or impotence. But unbelief is an absolute crime;3 it cannot be forgiven. And the Absolutely Powerful One is exempt from and beyond all impotence. And although the witnesses and bring¬ers of this news all differ as to their ways and paths, they are united in complete unanimity in the basics of this matter. As regards number, they are unanimous. In regard to quality, they have the strength of consensus. As regards position, each is a star of mankind, the hope of a nation, the beloved of a people. As regards importance, they are both experts in this matter, and they are affirming. And two experts in a science or an art are preferable to thousands who arc not experts, and in giving news of something, two affirmers are preferable to thousands of deniers. For example, two men who report the appearance of the new moon of Ramadan invalidate the negations of thousands of deniers.
In Short: In the whole world there can be no truer report, no more well-founded claim, no clearer fact than this. This means that without doubt this world is an arable field, and the Great Gathering a threshing-floor, a harvest, and as for Paradise and Hell, they are each a granary and storehouse.

- VI -
Manifestations of God's Presence
[This consists of a single, brief proof of the pil¬lar of belief, belief in God, for which there are numerous decisive proofs and explanations in many places in the Risale-i Nur.]
In Kastamonu a group of high-school students came to me, saying: "Tell us about our Creator, our teachers do not speak of God." And I said to them: "All the sciences you study continuously speak of God and make known the Creator, each with its own particular tongue. Do not listen to your teachers; listen to them.
"For example, a well-equipped pharmacy with life-giving potions and cures in every jar weighed out in precise and wondrous measures doubtless shows an extremely skilful pnirtised. and wis*"
pharmacist. In the same way, to the extent that it is bigger and more perfect and better equipped than the pharmacy in the market-place, the phar¬macy of the globe of the earth with its living potions and medicaments in the jars which are the four hundred thousand species of plants and animals shows and makes known to eyes that are blind even —by means of the measure or scale of the science of medicine that you study— the All-Wise One of Glory, Who is the Pharmacist of the mighty pharmacy of the earth.
"To take another example, a wondrous factory which weaves thousands of sorts of cloth from a simple material doubtless makes known a manu¬facturer and skilful mechanic. In the same way, to whatever extent it is larger and more perfect than the human, factory, this travelling dominical machine known as the globe of the earth with its hundreds of thousands of heads in each of which are hundreds of thousands of factories shows and makes known —by means of the measure or scale of the science of engineering which you study— its Manufacturer and Owner.
3. Yes. since unbelief denies lhe value of beings and accuses (hem of hearing no meaning: and since il is an insult to the whole universe and a denial of the manifestation of the Divine Names in [he mirrors of beings; and since it holds in contempt ull the Divine Names and rejects the testimony of beings to Divine unity; and since il declares all creatures to be liars, it so corrupts the human capacity that it is no longer worthy of reform or receptive to good. Moreover, it is a vast wrong, for it is a transgression against the rights of all creatures and of all the Divine Names. The preservation of those rights and the unbe¬liever's soul being unreceptive Ю good necessitate that unbelief is unpardonable. The verse, To assign panners lo God is indeed a greài transgression* expresses this meaning.
* Qur'an, 31:13
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