The Staff of Moses | The Tenth Topic | 1
The Tenth Topic

A Flower of Emirdağ

[An extremely powerful reply to objections raised against repetition in the Qur'an.
My Dear, Loyal Brothers!
Due to my wretched situation, this Topic is confused and graceless. But I knew definitely that beneath the confused wording was a most valuable sort of mi racul ousness, though unfortunately I was incapable of expressing it. But however dull the wording, since it concerns the Qur'an, it is both worship in the form of reflection, and the shell of a sacred, elevated, shining jewel. The diamond in the hand should be looked at, not its tom clothes. Also, 1 \łrote it in one or two days during Ramadan while extremely ill, wretched, and without food, of necessity very concisely and briefly, and including many truths and numerous proofs in a single semence. Its deficiencies, then, should be overlooked!25
My True. Loyal Brothers' While reading the Qur'an of Miraculous Exposition in Ramadan, whichever of the thirty-three verses I came to that in the First Ray describe the allusions to the Risale-i Nur, I saw that the page and story of lhe verse aiso look to the Risale-i Nur and its students to some extent — in so far as they have a share in the story. Particularly the Light Verses in Sura al-Nur, just as they point to the Risale-i Nur with ten fingers, so the Darkness Verses following it point directly at those opposing it; these afford a further share. Quite simply, I understood that this 'station' rises from particularity to universality and that one part of that universality is the Risale-i Nur and its students.
Indeed, in regard to the breadth, exaltedness, and comprehensiveness that the Qur'an's address receives from firstly the extensive station of the universal dominicality of the Pre-Eternal Speaker, and from the extensive station of the one addressed in the name of mankind, indeed of all beings, and the most extensive station of all mankind's guidance in all the centuries, and from the station of the most elevated comprehensive expositions of the Divine laws concerning the regulation of this world and the hereafter, and lhe heavens and the earth, and pre-eternity and post-elernily, and the dominicality of the Creator of the universe, and of all beings, this Address displays such an elevated miraculousness and comprehensiveness that both its apparent and simple level, which flatters lhe simple minds of ordinary people, the most numerous group the Qur'an addresses, and its highest level, partakes of it.
25 As lhe Tenih Topic ol' lhe Fruits of Denizli Prison, il ıs a small, shining (lower of EtmrdaĚ and of this month of Ramadan. By explaining one instance of wisdom to the repentions in the Qur'an. ¡t dispels the poisonous, putrid illusions of the people of misguidance.
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